Rush/ Recruitment
The recruitment process is an important and necessary part for the long standing and success of the Alpha Rho chapter of Phi Kappa Tau. We strive to look and invite men who show off characteristics of a man of disctinction, including trustworthiness, amusement, hard work, and determination. Year round, brothers will extend invitations to potential new members. During the year, especially the summer, there are a multitide of rush events. The events include basketball, going out to lunch & dinner, going on outings, attending sports matches, and much more.
This year, Luke Wang is the recruitment chair and Morgan Wright is the assitant recruitment chair. Luke Wang is a 4th year Computer Science major from Tucson, AZ, and Morgan Wright is a 2nd year Computational Media major from Albany, GA. Interested potential new members should feel free to reach out to Luke or Morgan from the contact information above or by clicking on the Rush Interest Form.